Give Atleast 20 Laboratory Tools And Their Uses

Give atleast 20 laboratory tools and their uses

  1. Beaker - a simple container used for mixing, stirring and heating liquids.
  2. Buret - used in laboratory procedures for fluid dispensing and measurement.
  3. Crucible - for melting and calcining materials at a high temperature.
  4. Erlenmeyer Flask - used to heat and store liquids.
  5. Evaporating Dish - used to heat and evaporate liquids.
  6. Florence Flask - for heating substances.
  7. Funnel - to transfer liquids into another container without spilling.
  8. Spatula - transferring small amount of solid.
  9. Mortar and Pestle - to turn solid into powder.
  10. Pipette - for moving small amount of liquids.
  11. Ring Stand - to support items that are being heated.
  12. Stirring Rod / Glass Rod - to stir solutions and to dissolve substances.
  13. Test Tube Holder - used to hold test tubes while being heated.
  14. Test Tube Rack - for holding test tubes during observation or when not used.
  15. Thermometer - to measure temperatures.
  16. Tongs - to hold different things.
  17. Clay Triangle - used in heating
  18. Test Tube Brush - used to easily clean a test tube.
  19. Reagent Bottle - for storage, mixing and display.
  20. Cork or Stopper - to seal test tubes.


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